About us

Since 2015

Welcome to Consha Enterprises Private Limited - Gold Buying Agent

Consha is a fully registered & licensed Gold Buying Agent for Fidelity Printers and Refineries. Currently, the company is spearheading an  initiative to setup multiple Gold Buying Centres in remote areas of Matabeleland, ONE-STOP – SHOPS for women, youths and all other groups of small scale miners, supporting Government of Zimbabwe
empowerment programmes.


Through hard work, teamwork and determination we have managed to develop a strong hold in the Matabeleland Region and would like to develop this further by embarking on an initiative to set up these multiple buying centres across Matabeleland North and South.

Our Vision

Our vision is to grow the Zimbabwean mining markets and further contribute to increasing gold production by maximizing the number of centres and access points for which gold can be sold.

Our Drive

Our drive lies in helping small scale miners reach their full potential by simplifying the gold buying process and situating buying centres closer to their operations so that they spend minimal time selling their gold and spend maximum time focusing on mining
Want to know more about us? Just download Our Profile
Our Work

The journey we have travelled since 2015 up to this day

We are stationed in Matabeleland North and South and look forward to expand across the whole country

Through hard work, teamwork and determination we have managed to develop a strong hold in the Matabeleland Region and would like to develop this further by embarking on an initiative to set up these multiple buying centres across Matabeleland North and South.
We understand that Zimbabwe is open for business and we are ensuring that we are well positioned to take part in the building and growth of Zimbabwe.
Gold production is a central component in the economic recovery efforts for Zimbabwe and it plays a major role in His Excellency, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s 2030 vision for a middle income economy. We hope to be one of the companies leading the way in gold production
We are targeting 6 of the major sectors contributing to majority of gold sales in the country of which we have already developed good relationships with.

We are investing more into establishing more Gold Buying Centres

Consha Enterprises wishes to set up multiple gold buying Centres in remote areas across Matabeleland North and South creating accessibility for Small scale miners Women in mining, Youth in mining, Milling Centres, Elution plants to easily sell their gold.

These buying centres will initially be for gold buying but it is our hope that as the plan unfolds we can further develop them into one stop mining supply centres stocking industrial chemicals, tools and all accessories needed for gold mining & production.

Each of our centres will aim to make a difference within the immediate communities they are operating in by providing employment opportunities, developing the infrastructure, empowering the youth and working with the local government by seeking to make improvements needed on the ground. Furthermore preventing the leakage of gold to the parallel market by ensuring the commodity is deposited at Fidelity Printers and Refineries.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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